Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i didn't think this day would come...

but i made it! summer 08 begins tonight!!! last night/yesterday i studied for my genetics final from about 1 pm-2 am...woke up and finished studying at 6 am... took my final and ran for the door as fast as i could! so, i guess i should throw out some updates now that i have a chance to breathe:

1. we ended up losing both the soccer and frisbee championships...kinda a let down, but they were both well played games, so we'll just have to try harder next year i guess...

2. my laptop crashed at the beginning of last week (good timing, i know...) so i'm saving and searching and praying for a macbook. right now i'm using mom & dad's desktop... but i miss my music and pictures...and they're gone forever... :(

3. i did run away two weekends ago to see KENNY CHESNEY IN CONCERT. probably one of my favorite weekends that i can recall. here are some highlights:
* got to columbia by 3, enough to wander around and see everybody at the "party in the parking lot" seriously put any college game day tailgating to shame.
* our seats were just stupid close. we even had to have wristbands just to get to them!
* gary allen sang the airplane song first thing :D one of my favorites.
* the rain held off...didn't get wet at all
* the two ladies sitting next to us were from Morristown...even though i bought my tickets off of eBay from a guy in Utah...
* the two ladies sitting next to us thought me and daniel made the cutest young married couple ever...except we're definitely not married. gave us a good laugh, though!
* brooks & dunn were just simply amazing. i want to learn to play the harmonica now...
* kenny chesney broke 3 bones in his foot trying to enter the stage... it got caught between the elevator that lifted him up and the stage floor. but he finished the song and the entire show, limping around... if he needs a physical therapist, i can think of a good one...
* i got goosebumps when he sang my favorite. it was, in a word, amazing.
* we left columbia around midnight, got turned around in traffic and ended up at a waffle house about 3 hours away from myrtle beach at 2 in the morning. finally got back to greenville around 4:30 that morning. at that point we were delerious from lack of sleep and hoarse from singing every george strait song we could at the top of our lungs with the windows down, sunroof open, trying to stay awake...
* drove back in the rain sunday afternoon, gorging on reese's pieces, gummy bears and bits o' honey (that was definitely daniel) and really not wanting to go back home...

4. i got to be a model on sunday for a hot tub show for MasterSpas in knoxville. basically i swam in the endless swimmer for 5 hours while people watched. now i know how the dolphins at seaworld feel...

5. i made it through finals and a super hard week, and now i'm so ready for SUMMER 08! jordyn gets here on thursday, we're moving furniture into our apartment on saturday, MY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY IS IN 9 DAYS (next thursday), and i leave for camp in 18 days... whew...here we go!!!

1 comment:

Laura Smith said...

And you were a great little dolphin!! The spa guys asked for a few more just like you. And you were great helping Ella swim in the swimspa. Thanks again.