Sunday, May 18, 2008


holy mud, i feel like i've been running at a million miles an hour all weekend.

thursday was my 21st birthday (!) and it was an amazingly perfect day! went and got my grown-up, big-girl license, had lunch at buddy's with michael, and got dressed up for dinner with my family and bestests. i was kinda bummed because once again, my brother was missing my bday, and i really really missed him. BUT when we pulled up to the restaurant, my big brother was standing there!!! he had driven all the way from atlanta to be there and it made me smile a whole whole lot. even better, he came home for two whole days!

friday was mostly a day devoted to one of my dearest and oldest friends who was getting MARRIED!!! we had a luncheon for all the bridesmaids that morning, quick trip to knoxville to pick up a dress that afternoon, and rehearsal dinner friday night. it was super fancy; my first time eating at club leconte! good thing i had michael (who is now home!!!!) to make sure i wasn't making too much of a fool of myself being all fancy :) friday night i came home and had some quality time with my brother!!! fell asleep with him on the couch, one of my favorite places in the entire world.

saturday woke up RIDICULOUSLY early and spent the entire day with my beautiful princess bride best friend. Her wedding was amazingly beautiful and perfect. i'm not going to lie, i cried a little, just because i was so proud of my sister and the great Godly guy i now have as as brother. the reception was fun & i even caught the bouquet (which means not a thing, i promise).

sunday we went to my granddad's church where he was being honored for his amazing ministry. i cried (again...why so much emotion this week???) at how much he was loved and honored and how many people whose lives he impacted. i only hope i can be a little bit like that too.
after an amazing down home, country church potluck lunch, i drove to bristol to spend some time with a pretty cool guy i know. more details on that much much later. but i had a great time just having a relaxing sunday afternoon.

i leave for camp in 6 days and i'm really really nervous, but also really, really EXCITED!!! there's so much to do before i leave and so many people i want to spend time with before i go. well, this little girl has jabbered on long enough. good night, world!

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