Sunday, April 6, 2008

you are the music in me...

:D i really like that song, and so what if it's from HSM 2??? it's one of those that i like to really belt it out when i'm riding alone in my car... but anyways, i had an inspirational moment the other night and i decided to try to capture all those thoughts into coherent words, so here goes...

i have realized of late that music has become quite a substantial part of my life. i mean, duh, i'm a product of my generation, so of course, i'm going to be slightly obsessed with music, but no seriously, it's a big part of my life. over the past few years i've become a GIANT fan of country music...i mean, 3 out of my 6 presets in my car are country stations; i watch CMT and GAC religiously; am a member on; and spend ridiculous amounts of money to see my favorite stars in person (in the past 6 months i've been to see keith urban, george strait, brad paisley, and about to go see kenny chesney...). i seriously love it and think it is a passion of mine. and i think it's kinda funny because the extent of my musical ability is to play the kazoo and keep up when we're playing rock band... go figure.

but i was sitting the other night listening to my friends "jam" on their various instruments and i was just totally amazed at the gift God has given the world in music. my mind went back all the way to the first guy who thought "hey, if i stretch this string really tight and hit it, it makes a cool noise...and what if i put it together with this hollow box that i beat on...that makes a fun noise too..." and seeing how they all come together to make such beautiful sounds just utterly amazes me sometimes. because i try to imagine a world where music isn't there and it's impossible for my mind. music is a huge part of our world. it can influence our moods, our thoughts, inspire actions, whether their happy or sad. i mean, i've been in a situation before when i've had a totally crummy day and heard my favorite song and i cannot help but smile and feel my spirits lift.
music is also a huge part of how i talk to my God. there have been so many times when i've been praying and talking to God and my heart just picks up in the middle of a praise song. i'm so thankful for those who can put into words better than i can how i feel sometimes.

and to see people who have such a passion to play these instruments just totally blows me away. take one of my best friends for example. i was talking to his dad as he was playing the other night and he was telling me that when he was only 5 years old, his parents gave him a play drum set and he sat down that christmas morning and started beating out rhythms...which blows this little white girl's mind [i really have to work to have rhythm ;)]. and when he plays his guitar, you can just tell that he is in his element. its like that guitar is just an extension of his arms and hands, it's the most natural part of him. and he is doing what God has created him and blessed him to do, using his talents to glorify his Creator. and that's how i know he's gonna make it as a songwriter or recording artist, because i see how he is when he sings or performs, or the look on his face when he gets an idea for a song. his passion is real and he's got the determination to see his dream through.

i think if i could develop that kind of passion for the work that God has called me to do-- if i could look forward to going to the physical therapy office the same way i see my friends love their music, then my life will be one amazing ride. so challenge time: find your passion and follow it 100%. do the things you love and do them well. use your gifts that God has given you. if it's singing, then by gosh, sing. if it's dancing, then you better dance like there's no tomorrow dang it. or if its writing, preaching, racing nascar, knitting, flying airplanes, running, loving on kids, loving on old people, cooking, cleaning, talking, making movies, working on computers, training animals, or balancing spoons on your nose, then DO IT! find that one thing that when you do it, you feel like you're being your that one thing that if you had to describe yourself with ONE THING, that would be it. and then do everything you can to be the BEST at your passion. develop your talents and dreams.

wow, listen to me preach. guess i better get off here before i get too far gone. later days!

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