Thursday, April 24, 2008

the word excited is the hugest understatement in the entire world...

whew, i made it through my crazy week!!!
*WON SOCCER 4-2, i had two shots on goal, thank you very much

*WON FRISBEE 11-2, had one snag that rocked my world. only thing i know is that the next thing i knew, i was on the ground, jackie was on top of me on one side, hannah on the other, my head was spinning, but I HAD THE FRISBEE

*took miley to the game on tuesday. she's such a superstar. she did so great, we stopped at sonic on the way home and she got her very own ice cream cone. if she hadn't eaten the cord that connects my camera, i have a really sweet picture of her trying to eat it :)

*my last day at the clinic was kinda sad, i really enjoyed working there. but i get to come back in the fall to work on my honors project.

and to top it all off, i'm leaving tomorrow for south carolina to see my all time, absolute very favorite country music rockstar (not daniel wilson, ladies) KENNY CHESNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best birthday present ever and i CANNOT WAIT!!!

highlights and pictures will soon follow, i'm sure. night ya'll!

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