Wednesday, April 2, 2008

i'm just sittin' out here watching airplanes...

okay, so i'm not really sittin' on the hood of my car, lookin' up at a caramel colored sunset sky, but that song is still in my top 5 (gary allan, go check it out) and it fits my mood right now, so just indulge me a little...

today was just one of those days where everything kept making me smile. woke up and had some quality time with miley dog. went and worked out, FINISHED MY PROSPECTUS!!!
**just for the record, that was hanging huge over my head, but it's done, it was great, it's turned in, and i don't have to worry about it for a looooong while**

to continue my good day:
* got out of genetics lab early
* the weather was warm enough for a t-shirt and chacos
* spent some time at the smith farm with the animals YAY!
if you know me at + the farm + the animals = me being my best me
* had the first "all intern, without brian, led wednesday night SOUL'D OUT and it went amazingly well!!! daniel did an amazing job communicating what was on his heart to our students. and they really got what he was saying. we had an awesome prayer time at the end. i love hearing my students pray. it blesses my socks off every time. they are developing such hearts for their lost friends and i can't wait to see what God has in store for them.
* surprise visit from joe! i really love that guy. he's always so encouraging and makes me laugh a lot! made me realize i need to go spend time with my second family before i leave for the summer
* got to talk to alan tonight about spending summer 09 in south africa... this seriously could happen and it would be an absolute DREAM COME TRUE! i'm stll praying about it, but God keeps opening doors and i'm still walking through them til He says stop!
* had late dinner with joe, pastor emmert, whit-dog, and daniel at SMOKEYS...mmm... we talked and laughed and closed the place down catching up.
* went to go check on the animals again with daniel. got to talk country music stuff and encourage one of my best friends.
*got a phone call from maddie and now have a "date" for spring formal...with all my girls!

it's days like these that make up for the not so great ones. i wish i could just bottle it up and bring it out when i need a little sunshine in my life. i know the next 2 months are going to be crazy busy, but i just try to savor days like today.

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