Sunday, April 13, 2008

wake up call

wow, this has been a day for wake up calls. i've had a few, so let's just go in chronological order:

1.) this morning pastor emmert rocked my world with a point he made. his sermon was on a heart of sacrifice and he said this: how dare we consider anything we "give up for God" a sacrifice? i mean, it's all His anyways, so why would we even think that anything we give to God a huge deal on our parts??? and then later in his sermon, pastor said that when you truly love someone, giving something up for them is not a sacrifice at all. Christ dying on the cross wasn't necessarily a sacrifice. He did it willingly and gladly because He loved me, this whole world, that much. oh that i would be able to love my God back like that.

2.) later tonight at cross-trainers one of my high school girls just rocked the house. she told the group about how she was walking down the hall of her school, talking to God and just decided that she was over the whole trying to be a 'cool' Christian thing. about worrying about her reputation if she actually talked to one of her classmates about Jesus. she resolved in her heart that she was going to witness to her friends, no matter who said what about her. totally cool coming from a high school sophomore.

3.) right before bed tonight, i was on the phone with my best friend and had yet another reality check. she reminded me, in not so many words, that i tend to emotionally give my heart away to too many people, specifically those of the male persuasion. just reminded me that i needed to guard my heart so fiercely that whoever wants it is gonna have to fight for it and prove himself worthy. i AM a princess after all :) to sum up this last point, i'm going to borrow some words from carrie underwood: "the more boys i meet, the more i love my dog!" (haha, great song, and i know, kinda random, but i LOVE IT!)

wow, that's a lot to chew on, but i think it helped writing it out. so, there ya go, world!

1 comment:

Laura Smith said...

YAY, so glad to find your blog. And girl, you are right...make that man fight for your heart. Then you will always know it was all him and the Lord and no subtle persuasion of your own (it's just too easy to do to most guys:) I know, I've been there. You're prince is out there. He'll find you, and better yet, you have a KING who is madly in love with you!