Saturday, January 31, 2009

38729563210 random things you never knew about me and probably didn't even want to know, but i'm going to tell you anyway...

is it just me or is it getting ridiculous with the "about me's" and posts people are making spilling out the most random and unheard of facts about themselves... to a people who honestly, probably don't even care. people are more than just willing, but almost desperate for the world to know that their favorite day of the week is tuesday, when they were seven they had a dog named sparky, they're mortally afraid of spiders, and that they have a secret obsession with twilight (which, ps... once you tell the whole world, it's not much of a secret anymore!) now, don't get me wrong, it can be a point... but i think this phenomenon is stemming from a deeper issue.

people ARE desperate... desperate to be known. they want to feel that there perhaps is at least SOMEBODY out there who cares that their favorite fruity scent is pineapple, goldfish kinda creep them out, their 7th last text message says LOL, and they can't get that special someone off their mind. they want to know that the details of their lives...the things that make them tick, make a person unique, won't be forgotten or overlooked.

as a girl, i get this. i mean, i smile to myself when somebody remembers that i absolutely love buddy's barbeque, my favorite flowers are daisies, and hearing a kenny chesney song on the radio makes my heart pound a little faster. its the fact that somebody cares enough to pay attention to these details that he (or she) took the time to remember. but i'm not looking for my entire friends list on facebook to remember that and or even care. the ones who know me enough to know these things without me spilling it out in a witty myspace survey already know those three things about me that everyone needs to know (ahem, SL yellow 08!) i would be seriously weirded out if someone i had never really met before in real life (facebook friends only) came up to me and said, "i know you're a black and white kind of girl, your favorite shirt is your red t shirt from the 8th grade, you love art, and your favorite 80's song is PYT by michael jackson..." SERIOUSLY. but that's what we expect isn't it? people we don't even honestly know to care enough about us to know us on a seriously intimate level. maybe its just getting to write these things down and putting them out there, but honestly, how selfish is that? if we are so consumed in ourselves that we honestly think everyone SHOULD remember that you prefer apples to oranges, you hate things that glow in the dark (for some odd reason), and your LEAST favorite color is green, then there are some real issues to attend to.

but this need to be known really concerns me. if so many people are desperate for someone to know the intimate details of their lives, shouldn't they look to the ONE who already knows all these things? the ONE who created all these quirks that make us unique. the ONE who, in all honesty, probably laughs to Himself about my obsession with barbeque, sweet tea, and country music. that's what we're looking for anyway, isn't it? someOne to know us inside and out and actually care about these flimsy details? and if you're one of those people who do post the "83293456 things you should know about me," i'll read it, but i can't guarantee that i'll remember every 83293456 detail. trust in the ONE who made you that way in the first place.

disclaimer: all the facts in this blog were made up. they in no way depict the real me. i DO have obsessions with barbeque, sweet tea, and country music...but you already knew that, didn't you?

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