Sunday, June 8, 2008

3 camps, 12 do the math...

greetings from beautiful, aka HOT talladega, alabama!

yup, we're still here, still pluggin away. today marked the end of our second camp...700 crazy middle schoolers runnin around. funny thing is, i feel right at home...maybe its because i still have the mentality of a 12 year old on most days. one thing i do love about crazy middle schoolers is that if you give them an idea and act excited about it, they'll run away with it. all i had to do was pump them up about being part of the yellow swarm and by today (last day of camp) they were all decked out head to toe in yellow, most with face paint, bandanas, cheerin their little hearts out. i felt like a proud momma/rockstar/worn out rec leader all rolled into one.

i've been battling homesickness a lot this week. i talked to my momma for about 30 minutes and started boo-hooin in the middle of wal mart today. most days i'm busy enough to not think about it, but honestly, i miss home. i miss my kids at manley and i HATE missing out on what God is doing in their lives. i got a two page letter from one of my girls trying to give me every detail about camp and once again, i was having a boo-hoo, snot-slinging moment in the middle of the office. i hear how God is moving back home and it breaks my heart that i'm missing out on this phase of their lives. i mean, i know God has me here for a reason and i know that i'm supposed to be (and i am, trust me) learning how to stand on my own two feet out here in this big ole world, but i am also learning how much i love my home and my babies (sorry guys, but ya'll are) at manley.

the next two weeks are going to be ca-razy busy here in shocco springs. we have a group of 1325 students arriving in the morning for a 5 day camp... don't know what we're gonna do with all those kids, but they've gotta go somewhere. after that, we have a 2 hour turn around (our first)...we say good bye to the current campers at 10, the next buses start pulling in at noon...that camp is just a 4 day-er, but once again, after that, there's another 2-hour turnaround for a 5 day camp... and that's the rest of our time in talladega! then we hit the road, so i feel like (and hope) the rest of the summer will fly by...)

i do love my teammates and am beginning to think of them as family. they've been great in lifting me up in prayer and encouraging me, as well as the whole team... it's just days like these, when i have some down time, that i really start to miss home. so say a little prayer for me that i'll make it to august 1! love ya'll & good night!

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