Wednesday, June 4, 2008

1 down 10 to go!

first week of camp is officially over. and boy, what a week it was...

i was up every morning at the rec fields by 6:30 am to start setting up for the day,
staff devotionals followed by morning celebration, where the yellow team competed for the spirit stick every morning (we won on tuesday, GO SWARM) morning rec, lunch, and then afternoon rec with my own squad...they were so precious! FTO (free time options...everything is abbreviated) were led in the and my girl whitney dominated in some soccer and i just tore up the frisbee field...definitely hurt some little high school boy egos :) evening worship, where i handle all the student staffers backstage and make sure no one goes crazy. then late night, and finally bed... except for the last night of camp, where i'm on the coveted 4th night patrol...but i can't talk about it. ;)

week two is entirely middle schoolers, so i'll definitely keep you updated. much love!

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