Saturday, May 31, 2008

dear mom, camp is rough...

haha, just kidding!!! but do you remember that campbell's soup commercial???

seriously, camp is great. i love my new family and enjoy the time i get to spend with the rest of the rec staff. we had our first day with campers today and it was slightly above the level of organized chaos, but it was still so amazingly fun!!! we're here at shocco springs (in lovely talladega, alabama) for the next month, so if you want to send me a care package (hint hint) you know where i'm at!

love you guys so much!!!! sorry this one is so short, but i'll holler again as soon as i can!


Sunday, May 18, 2008


holy mud, i feel like i've been running at a million miles an hour all weekend.

thursday was my 21st birthday (!) and it was an amazingly perfect day! went and got my grown-up, big-girl license, had lunch at buddy's with michael, and got dressed up for dinner with my family and bestests. i was kinda bummed because once again, my brother was missing my bday, and i really really missed him. BUT when we pulled up to the restaurant, my big brother was standing there!!! he had driven all the way from atlanta to be there and it made me smile a whole whole lot. even better, he came home for two whole days!

friday was mostly a day devoted to one of my dearest and oldest friends who was getting MARRIED!!! we had a luncheon for all the bridesmaids that morning, quick trip to knoxville to pick up a dress that afternoon, and rehearsal dinner friday night. it was super fancy; my first time eating at club leconte! good thing i had michael (who is now home!!!!) to make sure i wasn't making too much of a fool of myself being all fancy :) friday night i came home and had some quality time with my brother!!! fell asleep with him on the couch, one of my favorite places in the entire world.

saturday woke up RIDICULOUSLY early and spent the entire day with my beautiful princess bride best friend. Her wedding was amazingly beautiful and perfect. i'm not going to lie, i cried a little, just because i was so proud of my sister and the great Godly guy i now have as as brother. the reception was fun & i even caught the bouquet (which means not a thing, i promise).

sunday we went to my granddad's church where he was being honored for his amazing ministry. i cried (again...why so much emotion this week???) at how much he was loved and honored and how many people whose lives he impacted. i only hope i can be a little bit like that too.
after an amazing down home, country church potluck lunch, i drove to bristol to spend some time with a pretty cool guy i know. more details on that much much later. but i had a great time just having a relaxing sunday afternoon.

i leave for camp in 6 days and i'm really really nervous, but also really, really EXCITED!!! there's so much to do before i leave and so many people i want to spend time with before i go. well, this little girl has jabbered on long enough. good night, world!

Friday, May 9, 2008

i love my mommy

what a day. my heart has seriously been on a major roller coaster ride. i got a call earlier this evening that one of my high school girl's mom passed away this afternoon. it broke my heart because my girl is two weeks away from graduating from high school and needs a momma now more than ever. and her little sister...about to embark on the terrors of middle school without someone to love and guide her, give her advice about boys, and argue with about clothes.

it made me stop and realize how much i cherish my own momma. seriously, over the past couple of years, she has become more than my mother, but a true friend. i really don't know how i would function in life without her there to be my biggest fan and strongest prayer warrior. granted, there have been times when we've been at each others' throats, but that's just because we're practically the same person and tend to have battles of the will sometimes. i know that my mom loves me more than life itself and loves me with the deepest, unconditinal love that only moms can have for their children. and as her daughter, i am completely honored.

so, in honor of mother's day, and in honor of mrs. kim and the amazing, wonderful life that she led, let your own momma know just how amazing she is...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

good morning!

okay, so i am so so so excited about today! my best friend is MOVING HOME!!! i haven't seen jordyn since AUGUST and she's coming to stay at my house for the whole summer!!! (i know, i'll only be here for the next 18 days, but whatev.) so in honor of jordyn's return, here are my thoughts on my amazing best friend.

you now those people who just know you deep down? the people that you don't even really have to use words to communicate anymore because you're connected at the heart? that's the way me and jordyn are. she knows me better than anyone else on this planet, probably a little better than i know myself.

jordyn was an answer to a prayer in my life. when i was in middle school i prayed to God for a "Christian best friend" someone that i could share my walk with God with and have tons of adventures together. my eighth grade year, jordyn moved here from florida so her dad could be the new youth pastor at our church. it was funny cause her mom actually called me and asked me to hang out with jordyn cause she was new...yada yada...well, we ended up going shopping in knoxville or something, but the rest is history!

even though there's a two year difference, i've never felt a closer bond. she really is like my sister and i consider her family my family too. when i turned 16 i started driving us to school every morning and the summer before my senior year we went on a mission trip to mexico that forever changed both of us. that christmas she moved to bristol (about an hour away, if you hurry) and it was neat because i think that just made our friendship stronger. nothing changed, except i just spent a million dollars that spring driving to bristol every weekend and a million more hours on I81 between our towns.

jordyn is the one i call when my world gets turned upside down or if i need someone to tell me that i'm right, they're wrong, and the rest of the world just sucks. :) she knows when i need her too. like last week, i was driving, venting some frustration and she called out of the clear blue and first thing she asked was "are you okay? i just felt like i needed to call you and tell you everything is going to be okay." she takes care of me and would do absolutely anything in the world for me. AND SHE'S COMING HOME TODAY! i love my sister so much and CAN'T WAIT to see her!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

two barefeet on the dashboard...

1st day of summer vacation! wahoo! here's a quick recap:

woke up early... no sleeping in for this little girl! i want to savor every second of my summer.

surprised the boys this morning with breakfast from hardees...they're such boys...all there was to eat in the house was left over chicken somebody's mom had sent home and sugar cookies from wal mart from our cookout sunday night. bless their hearts, i think my maternal instincts went into overdrive for a second!

worked online a little this morning for daniel's show on friday (my little rockstar is gonna be on the radio!) and then had him help me take my car to the shop... i was driving home with the windows rolled down last night and my window decided it didn't want to roll back up anymore... we ran a bunch of errands around morristown. i bought an AMAZING BOOK today. "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan (i think that's his name) i've only read the introduction, but holy mud, it's going to be a great one. highly recommend it.

we went into work and had BUDDY'S for lunch (my favorite!). my buddy huggy bear came down from johnson city today to hang out and help us out some with sound. what a blast to get to see him!

church tonight was such a blessing. it really felt like the kids connected tonight, which is my prayer every week, so PRAYER ANSWERED! (even if it was a small one) my cousin and i had the sweetest moment where we prayed for my grandfather who is battling cancer. he has one of the biggest hearts i've ever witnessed. we took about a million kids to the local pizza place after church, which was so much fun. jake and i danced to michael jackson's PYT in the middle of the restaurant and ella (the cutest 2 year old ever) got her first temporary tattoo (mickey mouse on her tummy)


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i didn't think this day would come...

but i made it! summer 08 begins tonight!!! last night/yesterday i studied for my genetics final from about 1 pm-2 am...woke up and finished studying at 6 am... took my final and ran for the door as fast as i could! so, i guess i should throw out some updates now that i have a chance to breathe:

1. we ended up losing both the soccer and frisbee championships...kinda a let down, but they were both well played games, so we'll just have to try harder next year i guess...

2. my laptop crashed at the beginning of last week (good timing, i know...) so i'm saving and searching and praying for a macbook. right now i'm using mom & dad's desktop... but i miss my music and pictures...and they're gone forever... :(

3. i did run away two weekends ago to see KENNY CHESNEY IN CONCERT. probably one of my favorite weekends that i can recall. here are some highlights:
* got to columbia by 3, enough to wander around and see everybody at the "party in the parking lot" seriously put any college game day tailgating to shame.
* our seats were just stupid close. we even had to have wristbands just to get to them!
* gary allen sang the airplane song first thing :D one of my favorites.
* the rain held off...didn't get wet at all
* the two ladies sitting next to us were from Morristown...even though i bought my tickets off of eBay from a guy in Utah...
* the two ladies sitting next to us thought me and daniel made the cutest young married couple ever...except we're definitely not married. gave us a good laugh, though!
* brooks & dunn were just simply amazing. i want to learn to play the harmonica now...
* kenny chesney broke 3 bones in his foot trying to enter the stage... it got caught between the elevator that lifted him up and the stage floor. but he finished the song and the entire show, limping around... if he needs a physical therapist, i can think of a good one...
* i got goosebumps when he sang my favorite. it was, in a word, amazing.
* we left columbia around midnight, got turned around in traffic and ended up at a waffle house about 3 hours away from myrtle beach at 2 in the morning. finally got back to greenville around 4:30 that morning. at that point we were delerious from lack of sleep and hoarse from singing every george strait song we could at the top of our lungs with the windows down, sunroof open, trying to stay awake...
* drove back in the rain sunday afternoon, gorging on reese's pieces, gummy bears and bits o' honey (that was definitely daniel) and really not wanting to go back home...

4. i got to be a model on sunday for a hot tub show for MasterSpas in knoxville. basically i swam in the endless swimmer for 5 hours while people watched. now i know how the dolphins at seaworld feel...

5. i made it through finals and a super hard week, and now i'm so ready for SUMMER 08! jordyn gets here on thursday, we're moving furniture into our apartment on saturday, MY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY IS IN 9 DAYS (next thursday), and i leave for camp in 18 days... we go!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

study break

i've never seen me summed up in so few words:

"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"" - John Mayer