Monday, May 14, 2007

triathlon update 5/14/07

swim: 1/2 mile (800 meters) i'm pretty confident with that...

bike: 10 miles!!! i did it!!!

run: 5 miles!!! all at once!!!

last carbonated beverage: over 6 weeks ago

holy cow it's almost here!!! two weeks from today!!! it's gone so well these past few days. i think i experienced a little runner's high the first time i ran my 5 miles...about half way through i got this kick of energy and i really felt like i could have kept on running just fine. the first time i biked my whole 10 miles i almost started laughing out loud cause my A.D.D. kicked in around mile 8. i got so bored looking at the pavement and the road ahead that seemed to never change. even having some music wasn't cuttin it. today i actually did a "brick" of back to back events so i could start seeing how that would feel. let me tell you my legs felt like rubber when i first started running and then after the first mile they just went numb. total milage moved was over 14 miles!!! dang girl! and to add to everything else, i'm eating healthy and dropping poundage like crazy! always a plus! i'm actually starting to look forward to my workouts now and i'm gonna keep pushing really hard this week. next week i'm gonna let up quite a bit and give my legs a good rest before the big day! rachel and i are having a sleepover the night before the race (such girls :D) and her momma's promised a huge pasta dinner. i'm really starting to get pumped; this time in two weeks i'll be considered a triathlete!!! stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

Lane Moore said...

I'm so excited!! You are going to have soooo much fun!