Wednesday, May 30, 2007

i did it!!!!

okay, so guess what??? I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AS OF MAY 28, I AM NOW CONSIDERED A TRIATHLETE! holy cow, that's so amazing! i was so nervous the night before, i hardly slept at all! rachel and i woke up at 5:30 (!), ate some oatmeal and headed out to the, i was so so scared as we lined up and got ready to jump in the FREEZING COLD pool. i did great on the swim and was feeling so confident coming out of that leg...the on to the bike...(begin scary music now). brent passed me about that point...along with about 50 other people, but that's not what i was focusing on. it was that big ole huge hill that i had to climb!!! i honestly thought about throwing up as i was crawling up that hill, but i made it through. i freaked out a little when the guy in front of me wrecked...who wouldn't??? when i got back, the guy from the tri store was there to check people back in to the transition area, and i'm sure i had the biggest goofy smile on my face, just proud that the hard part was over. i took off running, having the time of my life. it was so encouraging; people i didn't even know were cheering me on, wanting me to perform at my best!!! the last part of the run was straight uphill and i was sure i was gonna cave except that i could hear everybody at the finish line around the corner...and my friend brad above it all yellin' "you better get here soon!" so i dug in for that last little part and finished in...well, i'm not sure of my time yet, it's not posted, but it was less than an hour and a half!!!!!!!! woo hoo goal met!!! i was so tired, i didn't even want to eat... but holy cow it was so much fun!!! training starts next week for the one in august!!! goal is an hour fifteen!!!

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