Monday, April 23, 2007

triathlon update 4/23/07

just a quick update on how the training is going:

run: 3 miles (5 kilometers)

swim: 1/2 mile (800 meters)

bike: 6 miles (10 kilometers)...still...gotta work on that

transition time: still havent' practiced that one...kinda
worried about it.

last carbonated drink: 4.5 weeks ago (not really a tri requirement,
but i'm still proud of that one)

the race is may 28 in alcoa, tn. i've gotten to the point where i can do my swim and run back to back, so that's a step! the bike is in the "shop" (aka brent's house) with a busted tube right now, so as soon as that gets fixed (and not with duct tape!) i'll be on the road again. keep me and my knees in your prayers! they're holding up so far, just a little sore after a long day. we're almost at the 30 day point, so i'm starting to get really excited!!!

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