Monday, April 16, 2007

and you thought i was random then...

you know, it's a good thing that the Psalmist always jumped around a minute he was praising the LORD, exlaiming how awesome He is, and in the next chapter, he wonders why he feels like God has abandoned him...

boy do i know how he feels. earlier this week, i was so stressed out cause i couldn't see God at work and directing my future...but i kept persisting and crying out to my Savior, and you know what? it's been pretty darn amazing. i'm still not 100 percent sure about my future; i mean, who really is? but i'm okay with that. i can see my next step, and for now, that's good enough. elizabeth elliot once said "always do the next thing." so that's what i'm doing...first my zoo practical, then finals, then summer, one step at a time.

so i really just wanted to give an update and praise the LORD for this sense of peace and contentment.

by the way, we won our frisbee game today, 11-0, but lost soccer 0-1. guess that pretty much sums up this roller coaster ride.

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