Friday, August 29, 2008

new favorite i played this for the first time last night and am TOTALLY hooked. (not to mention that i completely dominated last night ;)...) seriously, this is going on my christmas list!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

we're famous!!!

rainy day tuesday

okay, so it's been raining non-stop for the past two days... and i'm just about to give up on finding my rain jacket and just enjoy walking in the rain.

quick update now that school has started:
ugh, school HAS begun and it's hit hard with full force this semester. the next fifteen weeks will be a doozy with a schedule that looks something like this:

art 8-10 (i never took my fine arts credit until now!)
project meetings with dr. boyce 10-11
kinesiology 11-12 (yes that's a real word)
kinesiology labs 1-3 (just on wednesdays)
directed readings 1-2 (just on fridays)
working at JMH PT clinic 2-5 (mondays and thursdays)

anatomy & physiology 10:30-12
A&P lab 3:30-5:30 (tuesdays)
ecological psychology 6:30-9:30 (ugh...night class...)

add to that the fact that i'm writing my honor's project this semester and still working at manley...

but the cool thing is that, for once, i'm not stressed about my schedule, like i usually am. i know God is in complete control of everything and i'll just have a survival celebration during Christmas break. i'm trying to stay balanced by running and having down time when i can....spending time with the roommate and boyfriend always help with that!

so, now that i'm dried off a bit, i'm gonna make a break for my car to grab some lunch and run errands before my lab this afternoon! lata!

Friday, August 22, 2008

i never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop i love so much...

one of my favorite songs that always makes me smile... "falling in love at a coffee shop" by landon pigg... its'll probably recognize it from the jewelry commercials on tv, but seriously, it's great.
so in celebration of my buying this song from iTunes and the fact that it's friday, i thought i'd share some other things that make me smile:

* falling asleep for a good nap in my recliner or my hammock
* baking in my new kitchen with my roommate
* going to the lake with my dog
* late night dinners with my favorite rockstar
* "good morning" notes from my boyfriend!
* playing mario kart on the n64
* laughing with my high school girls on wednesday nights
* black and white pictures
* going to the county fair and riding all the scary rides til i throw up
* having a reason to get dressed up
* going to the farm to feed the baby cows
* when my favorite song comes on the radio, even though i can listen
to it anytime i want to on my iPod
* Josh Turner's voice...and the fact that i get to see him in october!
* the fact that my very first friend and i have one last class together at CN
* the fact that my boyfriend is 6'5" and i'm 5'3"...
* gummy bears, sweet tea, and barbeque
* the fact that frisbee & football seasons are just around the corner
* hearing songs from the Student Life "banana" soundtrack
* dancing around my apartment in my underoos singing at the top of my lungs :)

hope everyone has just as a fabulous friday as this little girl!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the beginning of the end...

okay, so today it hit me just today for the first time that this is my last year at carson-newman. it's sad and scary on a few different levels.
sad because CN represents all the comfort of home to me. i mean, i've been at, around, or a part of the newman for as long as i can remember...always coming here to play some sport or another and always football games in the fall. when my big brother started here, it was so much fun to act like i was a college student and come hang out with him on the weekends. and my own 4 years there have been nothing short of amazing. its where i've met so many lifelong friends, where i've had so many adventures, decided on a future career, and become the young woman God has called me to be. its weird and slightly overwhelming that i'm entering the twilight of my time with everything i've ever known. and scary too.
scary because right now, i have 3 applications out for the next phase of my life--physical therapy school-- and the admissions people there are literally holding my future in their hands. they will be the ones determining where i'm going to be for the next 3 years after i graduate in MAY (!)...
it makes me want to take every precious second that i have and put in a bottle or somewhere special where i can hold on to them forever. every adventure, every warm saturday afternoon at the stadium..i just want to stop time and be able to cherish the memories...
anyways, enough sob stories from me.... happy last month of summer!