Monday, December 3, 2007

different perspectives...lessons from miley.

i walked in the door, exhausted, threw my backpack on the floor and collapsed in a heap on my bed, not even bothering to take my jacket off or untie my shoes. somewhere in that place between asleep and awake, i heard her pad softly in, jump up and settle down next to me. she promptly closed her eyes and picked up where she left off on her nap. i lay there for a while, staring at her rhythmic breathing, barely making a sound, wondering "how can she be so peaceful? it must be nice, to not have a care in the world, the only decision needing to be made is to even bother chasing that squirrel one more time..." she looked so serene, the only movement was the steady up and down of her golden brown coat, and before i knew it, my eyes too, were becoming heavy...

i heard her come in, there was something different today. she didn't come straight to see me, just fell on the bed. somehow, i knew she was exhausted, so i walked softly in to investigate. i recognized that look on her face, it had been happening a lot lately... her brow was furrowed, there was wet stuff coming out of her eyes and her mouth was downturned. i just knew something was wrong. i jumped up on the bed and gave her a quick lick, letting her know that i was here and everything was going to be okay. i lay there quietly for a few minutes, then took advantage of the opportunity to fall asleep on my mistress' bed. i don't understand her sometimes. why is she so worried? doesn't she know that ultimately everything is under control? maybe if she had gotten to chase that squirrel with me today, she could know what it feels like to run and run, barking out loud just for the sake of being happy. oh i know humans have their own worries, but i think they concentrate on them too hard sometimes. there's just something about spontaneous afternoon naps on your mistress' bed that lets a girl know that everything is going to be okay...

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