Sunday, September 23, 2007

just an idea

i've come to the realzation as of late that life, as crazy, wonderful, dramatic, or whatever it is, is not just a smooth-sailing walk in the park. what makes life (or mine at least) even interesting is the quirky little ups and downs in the routine day-to-day. like the text message i got from amy that said "just wanted to remind you that i love you..." but then dropping a catch for a point during a frisbee game. or catching all the red lights on the way home from work, but having my favorite song come on the radio as i pull onto my street.

i think a lot of times people get so wrapped up in the big catastrophes that happen in their lives that they're constantly stressed out and trying to live from one big high to the next. what if we all stopped to appreciate those times when you get a good grade on a quiz and just learn to laugh at the times where you wear a pair of shoes that make your feet hurt...

just a thought...

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