Monday, July 14, 2008


so let me preface what i am about to say with a quick look at how my day went:

woke up late, didn't get to go run...
at staff meeting this morning found out that:
a. the sound board was frozen
b. the genies that lift up our front lights were both broken
c. our camp pastor's flight had been delayed

kasey and i went to do our pre-registration duties with bo and listened as he tried to rent us a soundboard, they didn't have any like ours.
found out that about half of our signs that we usually put out went missing
found out that camp pastor's flight had been delayed again, as well as our supervisor's flight.
registration, kasey and i got the cops called on us as we tried to park and greet about 57 churches all with multiple vans and youth ministers.
found out that the truck that was delivering the rented soundboard had a flat tire
found out that camp pastor's flight had been delayed for a third time and would not make it to celebration
found out that supervisor's flight had been cancelled and he couldn't come til wednesday.
kasey and i again had the cops come by and reprimand us for blocking the public bus stop (this was because we had moved to where he had told us to go...go figure.)
survive the rest of registration and when we go back to pick up all the signs we put out, found out that two of them had been stolen during the day...

needless to say, we were quite happy to skip dinner and just head back to the apartments for some peace. i tried to gear myself up for worship as best i could and headed in just completely exhausted. then dr. robert smith just totally rocked my socks off...well, i guess God did more through him, but he is seriously one of the better communicators i've heard, and definitely the best i've heard all summer. and so God and me had a little heart to heart last night, and through the message, this is what He revealed to me:

The heroes of our faith (those names you learn early in Sunday School: Abraham, David, those guys) were all obviously used in a big way by God. And i think that the cool part is, these guys didn't know they were going to be heroes. The were just being obedient and taking the next step of faith. But when God called them to step up to the plate, it wasn't their first time hearing from God. They had already become familiar with God's voice. The Bible...well, David, addresses this in 1 Samuel, right before he went and killed Goliath. David had prepared himself in the quietness of the fields for battle in front of his entire nation.

okay, enough deep thoughts for one night... that's just enough to chew on. staff devos start early tomorrow! night world!

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