Saturday, March 10, 2007


so i actually wrote this earlier, but it still applies....

He loves me!
He knows everything about me, he knows my favorite color, favorite flower, favorite foods. He knows how much I love gummy bears- the ones that come in the gold package - and yellow gatorade. He paints pictures for me every morning and makes sure that i see them everyday. He always has my favorite flowers ready on no occasions at all. He pursued me passionately until i said "yes" and surrendered to his love. I never doubt his love for me. He wakes me up gently when i fall asleep in his arms. He wrote me the longest love letter in the entire world and I read it everyday. He's the last person i talk to before i go to sleep and the first one i think of when i wake up. When i fall asleep when i'm with him, he just holds me and sings over me. He loves my friends too--major bonus points!! He tells me all the time how much he loves me and how much he wants to be with me. Whenever i've had a crappy day, he knows exactly what to do to make me feel better. When i ask him to do something, he always does what is in my best interest. We pray together and share in those intimate moments of worship together. Sometimes, when we're together, neither of us say a word, we just sit in silence and are amazed in our love. He laughs at me all the time, but always in the kindest way. He is always at every sports game i'm in and he's my biggest fan. Sometimes i treat him like crap, but he just wraps me up in his arms and tells me he loves me anyways. I am so amazingly in love with him and want to spend forever with him!!! He's absolutely perfect! He's the most understanding, most passionate, most sincere, most amazing being ever!!!

THIS IS MY JESUS! My God, My Savior, is this passionately in love with me. He's the only one who can love me like this! He wants to be my everything and won't stop loving me ever ever!!!

1 comment:

Lane Moore said...

he does love you and I do too!