Monday, September 29, 2008

the best run ever

trying to put into words what happened saturday morning is near impossible... but i'm going to try because i have to get it out there.

we were at the lake (lake lure, nc) and woke up before dawn to go run. me, sarah, j.r., and heskett drove to the beach at the lake to start our run there. it was chilly, enough for me to enjoy my running shorts, but still break out my under armor top.

after stretching we got together and prayed before we started. we decided not to talk so much during this one, but really try and spend the next moments with God and connect with Him. i think if any of us had a clue what was about to happen, we would have just gone and jumped in the lake right then.

we started off at a good 10 min/mile pace, with me leading the pack over the boardwalk, watching the fog lift and the sun coming up over the mountains. my breath literally caught in my throat (which is NOT a good thing when you're running) as i was completely astounded by God's beauty and goodness. we ran out of the tiny town of lake lure and on to the small village of chimney rock. when we hit chimney rock's town limits, we transitioned without so much a word into an indian run. i would start out at the front, then heskett would come from the back to take the lead and set the pace for a while, then sarah would move from the back to the front, then j.r... we moved like that the entire length of the town and back... not speaking so much, but completely feeding off each other's energy and just enjoying what i considered to be the truest fellowship i've ever had. when we once again reached the lake, we veered off onto a path through a small park that was possibly the most peaceful place i've ever witnessed. it was still quiet, still semi-dark...the only movement besides our rhythmic pounding were the ducks waking up in the marsh beside us. we ran this half mile in twos, but still close enough together to feel like one unit.

when we reached the boardwalk again, heskett encouraged us to leave completely everything behind and let any hinderances go that were weighing us down (see HEBREWS 12:1 for more). i honestly didn't think i had that much more to give, but i sprinted those last 100 yards and felt like i hadn't in a long time...i felt new, whole, pure...even though i was sweaty, gross, tired, and had a cramp settle in my calf muscle.

when we got done, JR stopped his watch and to all of our amazement, we had been gone for 45 minutes. we drove our route to check the milage and had completed FOUR AND A HALF MILES from start to finish. and i had never felt better. we talked on our way back about how each of us had experienced God throughout the run and were encouraged by each others' stories. i don't think i'll ever have a run like that ever again, and i'm scared that i'll lose that feeling i had on the beach, gasping for breath, but smiling at the communion i had just taken part in. it was a morning where i truly met with the Living God.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

singin' my hallelujah song!

currently sitting here in my best friend's backyard, enjoying the FALL weather, while he sits and picks his guitar. i'm sittin in the bed of tito's truck just killin time until night class. daniel says its a sin to not enjoy this amazing feeling, so here we are. doesn't get much better.

Monday, September 1, 2008

feels like home

i think every weekend should be a three-day weekend. it's been great.
i got to spend a lot of time with nathan before he started traveling today. he's got eight weeks ahead of him recruiting for king college, traveling around the area for college fairs, so i won't get to see a lot of him in the coming weeks, so it was GREAT to spend that time with him this weekend :)
beka and i went to booms day last night and for some reason, both of us were still wired when we got home so we sat up and had one of our infamous late night beka-laura heart to hearts. once we had solved all the world's problems (at approximately 3 am) we finally went to bed & promptly slept in until noon today... which was fabulous considering i NEVER sleep past 10 or so.
today was a great day just to lounge around and chill out, enjoying the official last day of summer. this afternoon i went out with some friends and made a giant slip-n-slide on the front lawn of campus. it was so much fun :) pictures will be sure to follow of our crazy afternoon!
beka and i semi-cleaned up and headed over to mom & dad's for BARBEQUE NIGHT...WITH jim & nick's barbeque sauce... my favorite barbeque place down in birmingham. it was a great night just to spend with my family. just catching up on life and having a good heart to heart with my sister :) and my mom.
now we're back at our fabulous apartment and beka's cooking up a storm! it's weekends like this that get me through weeks that make me feel like i'm going crazy.