Monday, July 30, 2007


i just want to take a minute and brag on my students at manley. ever since we got back from camp...well, really before that- i've been noticing the beginning of change for a while now... they are really beginning to grasp all that God has called them too. listening to their prayers and watching them worship their Savior really blesses my heart. they are beginning to really have a heart for their lost friends and i really believe they want to see them come to Christ. i gave them a talk last week about keeping away from "spiritual highs and roller coasters" and i think it really made sense to some of them. i have a feeling that they are on the verge of breaking out and really becoming "soul'd out" for Christ.

i had my reservations about staying at home this summer, but it has been awesome being a part of God's work right here and discipling some awesome kids. keep them in your prayers cause God's about to do some awesome things in morristown...

Joshua 3:5-- "Sanctify yourselves today, for tomorrow the LORD will do great works among you."